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Leading the Charge for Safer Streets in Monroe, Louisiana

In the heart of Monroe, Louisiana, a pressing issue weighs heavily on the minds of its residents: crime. Did you know that our city has an overall crime rate 307% higher than the national average? It's a statistic that cannot be ignored. It's time for a change, and I, Betty Ward Cooper, am stepping up to make a difference.

As a lifelong resident of Monroe, I've witnessed the impact of crime on our neighborhoods, families, and futures. That's why, when elected as your Mayor on March 23rd, I am committed to taking immediate action. We cannot afford to wait any longer.

My first move as Mayor will be to allocate a minimum of 1 million dollars annually to activate collaborative efforts between community groups, churches, and non-profits. Creating authentic community policing is one of the cornerstones of my approach to crime reduction, and it will be achieved by placing police officers within our neighborhoods, forging strong bonds with residents, and working collaboratively to address crime and enhance the overall quality of life. By investing in our community and providing support where it's needed most, we can break the cycle of violence and create opportunities for a brighter future.

In addition to community policing, I believe in the power of collaboration and proactive initiatives to address the root causes of crime. This includes working closely with other law enforcement agencies, as well as implementing programs and services that provide support and opportunities for at-risk individuals. By addressing issues such as poverty, lack of education, and limited access to resources, we can create a more equitable society where everyone has the chance to thrive.

But I cannot achieve these goals alone.

 Real change requires the collective effort of every resident, business owner, and community leader in Monroe. That's why I'm calling on you to get involved in our campaign. Whether you volunteer your time, spread the word to your friends and neighbors, or contribute financially, your support is crucial to our success. 

So, I urge you to get involved. Whether you volunteer your time, spread the word to your friends and neighbors, or contribute financially, your support is crucial to our success. Together, we can make a difference.

Together, we can build a Monroe where every resident feels safe, valued, and empowered to pursue their dreams. Join me in this journey by visiting this link to learn how you can make a difference. Together, we can shape the future of our city and create positive change that lasts for generations to come. Thank you for your support.

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